TimeSvr is a cloud based virtual assistant, featured in NY Times Best Seller - The Personal MBA, Slate, Inc and GigaOm.
DoorJarvis is a low cost intelligent web and SMS enabled system that manages your home's lights, kitchen appliances and frontdoor.
ChatArt A sentiment aware chat bot that's into Art. Uses Sockets, AFINN (sentiment analysis), MongoDB, Express, Nodejs.
Witness (2016) was developed in a webRTC hackathon to draw attention to injustices. Uses SMS, video and Twitter alerts via Nodejs
surveillanceScreen a critique on surveillance. Your camera's always watching - so smile. Uses OpenFrameWorks (C++).
RockPaperScissors (glove) A playing glove using flex sensors to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. Uses JavaScript and Arduino
meanAlert replies to mean tweets with mean tweets (esp if you're being mean to somebody less well off). Uses Nodejs.
ObamaDad (2017) was developed at Google's Hackathon. Uses JavaScript, API.ai. Co-creator: Jamal Combs
MusicalMats are wireless mats for teaching differently abled children how to walk or dance
ChannelChat is a video chat room for trending hashtags (#) to experiment what could be next for Twitter. Uses webRTC, Sockets and Nodejs.
getAway is a chat-based platform connecting weekend vacationers with travel-agents to crowdsource travel service offerings