layout: post title: Data-in-conflict-2&3&4 modified: categories: excerpt: tags: [] image: feature: date: 2016-02-03T18:27:54-05:00 —

Week 2 Class Notes (in yellow notepad)

Week 3 Class Notes (in yellow notepad)

Week 4 Class Notes

Int’l Labor Org, UNICEF, data.undp, data.unhcr, UN WFP - Pakistan - food and water security and stunted heights in children Women literacy ( with peace dividends (economic growth) Drone Stream - economic impact (education impact) - Bureau of Investigative Journalism StoryFull - *(aggregator) Open Data Network (socrata) *(aggregator) OpenPrism *(aggregator)

//Twitter + Oil Prices

Core Concept > Information LifeCycle > Collection of Data (sources)

Store > Process > Tranform > Normalize

In Conflict Environment: Sharing and access gets really effected. Over protection of data OR the exact opposite of being everywhere, all over the place.

Two extreme biases in conflict situations, make it hard for third parties. Believeable, credible sources that are directly linked (primary sources). How much is the source represented.

History of reliability + line of authority + accountbility.

Establishing ground truth Situational awareness - scope, who is involved, duration, actors, motivation, demographics, factors effecting decision making process. Just establishing truth.

Advanced, early warning systems.

Conflict intervention/empowerment - Empower actors directly in environment > Decision making systems. Who is empowered to make the decisions in these environments. Sense of ability to take decision is contextual. <——– YC backed data analytics company to solve worlds problems <——- risk assessment by country (for hurricanes)

** Case Study ** (Somalia) Clusters of tribal networks negotiates power. Negotiate ability to access food, access (getting out of country)> Tribes are not exclusive or discrete. They inter-marry. Armed groups are loosely related. Environment of extreme dependency on parties which can assure > food, water, security. Third party actors have to establish 1:1 trust relationships with specific people. No common understanding that the media is a third-party you have to talk/give information to. Internal-risk, volatile, ad-hoc negotiated relationships. RELIABLE information > low history of error > objective.

The Bell Jar Too few sources and no way to verify it.

1850’s and 60’s Hawaii was independent power. Had king&queen. Missionaries Masachusetts and Maine (private property, business people links W United States). Coupe de tat by renegade army captain. The president court martialed captain.

Properties of Native Hawaian people is held in a trust whose status is unknown.

Wards of the state. Hawaii has the highest homeless population in native America.

Hawaiian population is divided, some don’t want to change the status quo, part of establishment. Others are opposed to being labled under a special status and want innovative model for their rights. Competing narratives, come out when it’s not clear who’s going to win. Social network analysis,

Humans behave differently when they know they’re being watched.

** Assignment ** Make a proposal for tools / methodologies that address some of those aspects of problematic political aspects: